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Case studies of how RDBASE helps business
Maximize your companies research based tax credits, see how with these case study examples
Software Industry
With a vision to enable the strategic integration of experimental development & tax functions. Our Web-based Project Tracking software — RDBASE.NET — combined with support of our team of engineering consultants provide a complete system for development teams to manage this process in minimal time!
Machinery Industry
MEUK’s vision is to enable the strategic integration of experimental development & tax functions. Our Web-based Project Tracking software — RDBASE.NET — combined with support of our team of engineering consultants provide a complete system for development teams to manage this process in minimal time!
Engineering Industry
Our Web-based Project Tracking software — RDBASE.NET — combined with support of our team of engineering consultants provide a complete system for development teams to manage this process in minimal time!
- At least 95% of all SRED claims involve Experimental Development 95%
- CCPCs can earn SRED tax credits for 35% of eligible expenditures 35%
What Our Customers Are Saying
Don’t just take it from us, let our customers do the talking!
- RDBASE average efficiency saving 66%
- RDBASE increase in credits 80%
- Time saving SR&ED 40%
Track, Calculate and Maximize Your Research Tax
With RDBASE you can be sure to maximize efficiency

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